Kickboxing for Two: East Texans staying fit while pregnant
Published: Wednesday, June 29th 2016, 7:03 pm EDT
By Delaney Brey, Sports Reporter
Kickboxing isn’t something new to the exercise world or East Texas. But have you ever heard of an athlete kickboxing for two?
“I’m in my fifth month of pregnancy,” said Stephanie Licciardi, mother-to-be and exercise enthusiast. “Physical active is a lifestyle for us, and I want my children to grow up knowing that. It’s not just a fad you do, or a diet, or exercise when you feel like it. Sometimes it something you do when you don’t feel like it.”
Welcoming her seventh child into the world with a punch, Stephanie Licciardi isn’t just showing her kids how important a healthy lifestyle is, but also others who may need that extra push.
“When they see a pregnant woman doing the class it doesn’t scare them as much. I know a lot of people get frightened when they see the kickboxing class and there like well maybe I shouldn’t because I have this, this, and this. So, it eliminates the excuses,” said Josh Rincon, XTC fitness coach and former professional boxer.
“I just think it’s common because I’ve done it ever since I was pregnant with my almost 12-year old. So it is apart of my life, but I do get a lot of inspiration and compliments from other people,” said Licciardi.
Not a stranger to those hard days of being sore and wanting to skip out, this supermom says even she has to remind herself of all the benefits that keeping in shape has too offer.
“Easy delivers, and then it’s easier to get back in shape. I usually jump back in three weeks after I deliver, and get back down to per-pregnancy within a couple of months,” said Licciardi.
Licciardi will continue kickboxing until around 8 months, than it’s just spin class until she delivers. So if you are expecting or just someone wanting to try something new…”It’s such a good mental release and stress-reliever. You just feel better afterward,” said Licciardi.
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